Per alcuni secoli almeno, l'agricoltura è stata largamente praticate nelle valli alpine anche nelle località di media montagna, tra gli 800 e 900 metri di altitudine. I terreni erano coltivati a prato, campo o castagneto: soprattutto la coltura a campo era molto vasta. Coltivazioni importanti erano quelle della segale, grano saraceno e patate, quest'ultime sono state introdotte relativamente tardi, attorno alla metà del 1700. Non bisogna dimenticare peraltro il vigneto, che fino in epoche recenti, era presente sulle pendici delle montagne fino ai 600 o 700 metri di altitudine. il limite dell'estensione del vigneto in montagna è attorno ai 700 o in qualche caso 800 metri sul livello del mare, dipende anche dall'esposizione al sole, la vite, comunque, non ama i climi freddi. Verso il 1850 per l'agricoltura di media montagna iniziò un' evoluzione nel tipo di coltura. In diverse valli alpine con l'inizio delle bonifiche dei fondovalli si verificò un progressivo aumento dei terreni coltivabili, non lontano dai fiumi più importanti. Diversi campi della media montagna furono allora riconvertiti in castagneti: nei secoli passati la castagna era largamente usata come alimentazione umana. Dopo la prima guerra mondiale, negli anni '20, cominciò un lento, ma costante, abbandono della media montagna.
At least for a few centuries, agriculture has been widely practiced in the Alpine valleys even in the mid-mountain location, between 800 and 900 meters above sea level. The land was planted with lawn, field or chestnut: above the crop field was very wide. Crops important were those of rye, buckwheat and potatoes, the latter were introduced relatively late, around the middle of 1700. We must not forget, however, the vineyard, until in recent times, was present on the slopes of the mountains up to 600 or 700 meters above sea level. the limit of the vineyard in the mountains is around 700 or in some cases 800 meters above sea level, also depends on exposure to the sun, the vine, however, does not like cold weather. Around 1850 for agriculture began a mid-mountain 'evolution in the type of crop. In several alpine valleys with the start of reclamation fondovalli there was a progressive increase in arable land, not far from the most important rivers. Several fields of the average mountain were then converted into chestnut: in centuries past the chestnut was widely used as human food. After the First World War, in the '20s, he began a slow but steady abandonment of the mountain.
At least for a few centuries, agriculture has been widely practiced in the Alpine valleys even in the mid-mountain location, between 800 and 900 meters above sea level. The land was planted with lawn, field or chestnut: above the crop field was very wide. Crops important were those of rye, buckwheat and potatoes, the latter were introduced relatively late, around the middle of 1700. We must not forget, however, the vineyard, until in recent times, was present on the slopes of the mountains up to 600 or 700 meters above sea level. the limit of the vineyard in the mountains is around 700 or in some cases 800 meters above sea level, also depends on exposure to the sun, the vine, however, does not like cold weather. Around 1850 for agriculture began a mid-mountain 'evolution in the type of crop. In several alpine valleys with the start of reclamation fondovalli there was a progressive increase in arable land, not far from the most important rivers. Several fields of the average mountain were then converted into chestnut: in centuries past the chestnut was widely used as human food. After the First World War, in the '20s, he began a slow but steady abandonment of the mountain.
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